hardly ever


hardly ever 的定义

  1. Also, rarely ever, scarcely ever. Very seldom, almost never, as in This kind of thief is hardly ever caught, or He rarely ever brings up his wartime experiences. The ever in these expressions, first recorded in 1694, serves as an intensifier.

hardly ever 近义词

hardly ever

等同于 little

hardly ever

等同于 rarely

hardly ever

等同于 seldom

hardly ever

等同于 uncommonly

hardly ever

等同于 infrequently

hardly ever

等同于 sporadically

更多hardly ever例句

  1. The gunman hardly broke stride as he nonetheless shot Merabet in the head, killing him.
  2. This is especially striking, though hardly surprising, in the case of Priebus, Mr. Outreach.
  3. But locals there say any money deposited is thrown into an unlocked cupboard behind the tellers, hardly inspiring confidence.
  4. And yet we keep devouring the ever-increasing array of Jewish dating apps and sites and Facebook groups--why?
  5. I was already over forty, had hardly a nickel in my pocket and this was the biggest break in my life.
  6. Here is a chair, Monsieur Arden; but you can hardly see it until your eyes have grown a little accustomed to our crpuscula.
  7. The doors (Indian bungalows have hardly any windows, each door being half glass) were open front and back.
  8. You see, I am the city undertaker, and the people are dying here so fast, that I can hardly supply the demand for coffins.
  9. "A camp-fire would hardly flash and die out like that, Sarge," he answered thoughtfully.
  10. A long stretch of smooth ice followed, over which he glided with ever-increasing speed.